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  • How do you train “front line workers” in your organization to be leaders? 🤔 You can’t just hand out

How do you train “front line workers” in your organization to be leaders? 🤔

You can’t just hand out that title like free candy🍬 because someone has been with you for a long time.

They’ve gotta earn it, my friend. But how, what’s the criteria? Well, Jeff shares 3 things you need to show to become a leader in his organization!

Here is the point though…you gotta define those for your organization too.

For our company:

You have to Value your teammates and openly share what you know to help them get better (especially if you have the same role)
You have to demonstrate that you understand and care enough to make our systems and processes better
The quality of the result MUST always be your goal

Want to learn more? Watch the full video now!


#buildyourteam #teambuilding #teamleader #leader #businessowner


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